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Our Services @ Redesign by ML

    Walk & Talk
Pre-Market Consultation

Cost: $350 up to 90 minutes

This is the first consultation. Many of our realtors provide this service as a marketing benefit to their home sellers. We will give you a "verbal" home prep game plan as we tour each room of your house.  Our “Walk & Talk” Staging Assessment is Best for… a seller/realtor who is just starting to get the house market ready. We offer tips on furniture removal, paint colors, lighting, curtains, floors, layout and décor. 

Written reports available for an extra fee.

Listing Photo Consultation

Cost: $350 up to 90 minutes

 Don't launch a listing without a

 final Photo Consultation! 

After home prep is complete, our clients hire us to come back and do a Photo Consult. All homes benefit from professional photo styling. Even interior designers hire stylists to make their rooms magazine worthy! Small styling changes can make a big difference in listing photos. Photo Consults are generally scheduled the day before the professional photo shoot. We conduct a walk thru home review and styling using YOUR existing furnishings. We may rearrange/edit furniture, rugs, art and accessories.

Note: If you need OUR Staging accessories, please request in advance. 

Occupied Home Staging


Estimates Provided based on $195 hourly rate for design plan and installation.

 Occupied Staging Design elevates your listing and makes your house more appealing to a wider audience of buyers., This is especially true with upscale older homes that may not lend themselves to a "chrome and glass" design approach favored by "big box" Stagers.


We specialize and LOVE doing redesign Staging. Most stagers don't offer this service.


After the Pre-Market Consult, we come back to your house for Staging sessions.  We will  edit, restyle/ rearrange rooms using the seller's furnishings and our Staging accessories.

Occupied Redesign Staging uses existing furnishings in a new design plan to showcase a room.  Staging furniture /accessory inventory is priced separately.  Inventory leases for 30 days.

Vacant Home Staging
By Request.
$175 for initial site review 
Flexible options from $3500 to $6500+ depending on home size

 We work with Staging Vendors as needed to furnish empty rooms.

We create beautiful spaces using our accessory inventory.

We define and design empty rooms providing Staging furniture, art and accessories.  

                     Inventory leases for 30 days.

Home Design Coach Consultation
Cost: $375 initial consult video or in person
$195 hourly after first consult
minimums may apply
Do you want some help with a house design project? Do you want to update a room or even a shelf?  Do you want to tweak your living spaces for a party or for house guests? Do you need help moving into a new place? You know what you need and we can help you achieve it with a home consult.


We use Redesign principles to guide our clients to a new home design. Its a collaboration: we listen to your needs and guide you to your goals.

We can give your interior spaces a stylish update by using existing furnishings arranged in a new way..... AND we can give you a design "game plan" for acquiring new home furnishings and accessories.  

We Can Help You with:

  • Move ins to a new home.

  • Room, editing and tweaking your things

  • Paint, lighting and floor recommendations

  • Styling (surfaces, sofas, beds, walls etc.)

  • Decorative pillow planning

  • Art sourcing and art placement

  • Shelf Restyling 

  • Furniture and home decor selection and placement

  • Sourcing other finishes (counters, vanities, mirrors, tile, hardware)

  • Design Shopping Sourcing - stores and online brands to consider

  • Exterior design and curb appeal



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Home Staging & Interior Photo Styling

Contact: Text, DM on Instagram or email.

Mobile: 703.489.7853


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